Join me and start to invest in the future of the human race
There is a lot of bad stuff going on around the world. Everything from starvation to extremely cruel actions done by humans. And it is sad. Really really sad. But as a positive person I feel that it is important to invest in what can change the negative into something really fantastic. It will take time. Really long time but I believe we need to start to invest now, so we can get amazing results in the future. If you are thinking about giving money to charity and you wonder what organisations you should choose, maybe I can inspire you with my two favourites.
My two favourite charity organizations
Favourite nr 1 – SOS Children
SOS Children has two major charity objectives. First, they work to stop more than half a million children ending up alone, abandoned or in institutions. Secondly, for children who have no other hope of family life, they provide new families for life. I think this is amazing because I believe that children that grow up in a caring and loving environment will become caring and loving as grownups. I believe that the investment we do today in children, will have a major impact in the future. Check out SOS children at Please note that this is their international site. In the top right corner you can choose the country site that is appropriate for you. Personally I support 3 children every month and what I really like is that I get reports on how the children are doing in school, socially and what they like to do on their spare time. This creates a more personal connection and I recognise a great value for the money I give away. I help a kid to grow up in a safe a loving environment.

Favourite nr 2 – Kiva loans that change lives
Kivas mission is to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world. Kiva have so far $436 millions in loans with a repayment rate of 99,01%. I think this is amazing. What I do is that I find a project I like every month and give a loan of $25. So far I have given 5 loans and now some of the loan takers have started to repay. This means I get additional money each month to reinvest in new projects. My plan is to build a Kiva investment portfolio that grows every month. Below you can see the 5 projects that I have invested in and an update I got for one of the projects. If you would like to start to build your own investment portfolio please go to I think Kiva is a really cool way to help people grow and build up their lives.
Loan Overview in Kiva

Status of loans

Update from one of the loans

The picture for this post is taken by Alison Carlman and features the entrepreneur Consolata Akyini.